“Great lovers are not born, they are made”
They are plenty of amazing singles out there and we see them daily.
But sometimes, it is just about a gentle little nudge.
Feeling you repeating the same patterns? You are not getting the results you want?
Book a consultation with me.
In a one on one session, we assess where you stand, tell you who you should be dating and how you can be more successful at it.
Why consultations?

It’s quick
This is not therapy. The idea is to provide you with quick, efficient fixes and tips that you can easily action.
You go back with real, tangible actions leading to concrete results.

It's honest
You are wonderful, but there might be some things you do wrong.
We will tell you things your friends do not tell you to gently bring you to the best version of yourself.

It’s specialised
There are many therapists, but few dating experts like we are. Dating advice is our expertise. We have sent thousands of people on dates.

One on One sessions
A consultation with one of our matchmakers, where we will:
✓ Delve into relationship history
✓ Identify your relationship patterns
✓ Boost your seduction skills and attractiveness
✓ Define your ideal partner
✓ Implement a dating strategy